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‘smutty’ e-cigarette ad for vip brand will make you cringe (video)
A new e cigarette ad with a woman talking dirty is supposed to be smoking hot. But some say it’s not.
British e cig manufacturer VIP trotted out a spot in which a comely woman commands viewers to «get it out» and «put it in my mouth.» The product doesn’t appear because regulators prohibit that on British TV. This way the model can coo her innuendo without interference from what she’s trying to sell. Convenient, no?
AdWeek called it «smutty.»
«It is wrong on every level,» a YouTube viewer wrote.
The campaign, which also has a man’s version (see below), might actually make a recent Hyundai dealer ad revolving around an implied four hour erection look like genius.
These e cigarette commercials are reportedly a response to an Advertising Standards Authority clamp down on too vague e cig commercials in the United Kingdom, AdWeek wrote.
VIP also produced longer and raunchier cuts of the new spots. (In the interest of advertising scholarship, ahem, we’ve provided those below, too.)
E cigarettes, which produce vaporized nicotine without tobacco when inhaled, are advertised on American TV. But regulators are mulling a ban.