This is when Wayne McLaren appeared on stage. It happened in 1964. He announced from TV screens that the filter would protect against all possible diseases, but did not alter the taste of cigarettes. McLaren appealed to viewers with a smug grin, «Welcome to Marlboro Country».
It seems that he believed what he was saying on TV filter cigarettes are harmless. Two or three packs a day for McLaren was the norm. He learned about his health issues a few years before his death. He was diagnosed with nicotine lung cancer. He survived chemotherapy, radiation therapy, amputation of one lung, but it did not help.
In his later years he became a shining example of the consequences of smoking. In the two years before his death, Wayne McLaren became an active participant in the campaign against nicotine. Before his death, he managed to play a role in a video that has become super popular. In the video he stated that he regretted his destructive habit.
Wayne McLaren is believed to have initiated a large scale anti tobacco campaign around the world. The great promoter of smoking became a great advocate of a healthy lifestyle. This struggle continues, albeit with varying degrees of success.
In conclusion, there are a few numbers related to smoking. 90 percent of deaths from lung cancer, 75 percent of deaths from chronic bronchitis and 25 percent from coronary heart disease are due to smoking. Every ten seconds a heavy smoker dies on the planet (in 2020, this level could rise to one person every three seconds).
In Russia, at least one in ten women is a smoker, and among high school students 53 percent of boys and 28 percent of girls are smokers. 50 60 percent of Russian men can be called heavy smokers (among some categories this number reaches 95 percent). Smoking and diseases caused by them annually result in death of at least one million citizens of Russia.
According to sociologists, 12 percent of the respondents believe that quitting smoking is easy, 56 think that it is difficult, four percent believe that it is impossible, and 28 percent do not think about it. At the same time 21 percent of those surveyed tried to quit smoking, but mostly unsuccessfully. 47 percent of Russian citizens consider smoking a bad habit, 38 percent believe it to be an addiction, nine percent an incurable disease, and six percent of respondents were unable to determine their attitudes to smoking.
Smoking poses other threats in addition to health risks. According to statistics, a lit cigarette is one of the most common causes of household and industrial fires. It is no accident that a new anti fire measure was implemented in the European countries. The European Union imposed a strict ban on «long lasting» cigarettes. This means that all cigarettes sold in stores must be self extinguishing. This measure is designed to reduce the number of fires that occur due to unattended lit cigarettes.
Cigarette producers were mandated to use paper that is difficult to ignite. It is not yet clear what this measure brings, but the goal is a plausible one.
Andrei Mikhailov
Read the original in Russian
Do marlboro lights special blend cigarettes have high or low levels of tar and nicotine?
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