Oasis — cigarettes & alcohol lyrics

Is it my imagination
Or have I finally found something worth living for?
I was looking for some action
But all I found was cigarettes and alcohol

You could wait for a lifetime
To spend your days in the sunshine
You might as well do the white line
‘Cos when it comes on top

You gotta make it happen
You gotta make it happen
You gotta make it happen
You gotta make it happen

Is it worth the aggravation
To find yourself a job when there’s nothing worth working for?
It’s a crazy situation
But all I need are cigarettes and alcohol

You could wait for a lifetime
To spend your days in the sunshine
You might as well do the white line
Cos when it comes on top

You gotta make it happen
You gotta make it happen
You gotta make it happen
You gotta make it happen

You gotta, you gotta, you gotta make it
You gotta, you gotta, you gotta make it
You gotta, you gotta, you gotta make it
You gotta, you gotta, you gotta make it

Russmus: кино — пачка сигарет / pachka sigaret / a pack of cigarettes lyrics and translations

All Russian lyrics belong to the artists
See the phonetic transcript table for pronunciation

Я сижу и смотрю в чужое небо из чужого окна
И не вижу ни одной знакомой звезды.
Я ходил по всем дорогам и туда, и сюда,
Обернулся и не смог разглядеть следы.

Но если есть в кармане пачка сигарет,
Значит все не так уж плохо на сегодняшний день.
И билет на самолет с серебристым крылом,
Что, взлетая, оставляет земле лишь тень.

И никто не хотел быть виноватым без вина,
И никто не хотел руками жар загребать,
А без музыки на миру смерть не красна,
А без музыки не хочется пропадать.

Но если есть в кармане пачка сигарет,
Значит все не так уж плохо на сегодняшний день.
И билет на самолет с серебристым крылом,
Что, взлетая, оставляет земле лишь тень.

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Pachka sigaret

Ya sizhu i smotryu v chuzhoe nebo iz chuzhogo okna
I ne vizhu ni odnoy znakomoy zvezdy.
Ya khodil po vsem dorogam i tuda, i syuda,
Obernulsya i ne smog razglyadet’ sledy.

No esli est’ v karmane pachka sigaret,
Znachit vse ne tak uzh plokho na segodnyashniy den’.
I bilet na samolet s serebristym krylom,
Chto, vzletaya, ostavlyaet zemle lish’ ten’.

I nikto ne khotel byt’ vinovatym bez vina,
I nikto ne khotel rukami zhar zagrebat’,
A bez muzyki na miru smert’ ne krasna,
A bez muzyki ne khochetsya propadat’.

No esli est’ v karmane pachka sigaret,
Znachit vse ne tak uzh plokho na segodnyashniy den’.
I bilet na samolet s serebristym krylom,
Chto, vzletaya, ostavlyaet zemle lish’ ten’.

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A Pack of Cigarettes

Translation by Marva

I sit down and look out another’s window at another strange sky
And I don’t see even one familiar star,
I’ve travelled along all roads, I’ve been here and I’ve been there,
And when I turned back, my own footprints were gone…

But if I’ve got a pack of cigarettes in my pocket,
Then today won’t be so bad after all,
And a ticket for the plane with silver wings,
Which flies away, leaving only a shadow on the ground…

And no one wants to be guilty for a crime they didn’t commit,
And no one wants to do someone else’s dirty work,
And without music, even company in distress won’t make trouble less,
And without music, I don’t want to fall…

But if I’ve got a pack of cigarettes in my pocket,
Then today won’t be so bad after all,
And a ticket for the plane with silver wings,
Which flies away, leaving only a shadow on the ground…

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