Marlboro red full flavor cigarettes versus american spirit full flavor cigarettes — yahoo voices —

Ever since I was in high school, I have been smoking Marlboro full flavor cigarettes. I count the number of cigarettes that I smoke and try to keep it at approximately twelve per day. The type of package that I usually purchase is the iconic red and white Marlboro Box, both regular size and 100’s.

Recently, a friend of mine gave me a full pack of American Spirit Full Flavor Box cigarettes. He explained that normally, he smokes a lighter style of natural American Spirit cigarettes and bought two packs of the full flavor variety, only to discover that they were too strong for him. He said that after smoking one pack of the American Spirit Full Flavor Box cigarettes, he was ready to return to smoking the lighter variety.

I gratefully accepted this gift from my friend and I smoked these cigarettes over the course of a couple of weeks. In addition to the American Spirit cigarettes, I was also still smoking some Marlboro Full Flavor cigarettes and noticed some similarities and differences between the two products. I realized that the opportunity for a product comparison review was presenting itself. Presented here, in an effort to assist the consumer, is an article which reviews and examines Marlboro Red Full Flavor Box cigarettes and American Spirit Full Flavor Box cigarettes.

The size of Marlboro Red Full Flavor Box cigarettes and American Spirit Full Flavor Box cigarettes is virtually identical. These standard sized cigarettes are also known as King sized cigarettes.

Strength / Flavor
Through the tears, several people have told me that Marlboro Red Full Flavor cigarettes are too strong for them. I’ve been smoking them for so long, that it never occured to me that they were a strong cigarette. After smoking a pack of American Spirit Full Flavor Box cigarettes, I think that they are slightly stronger than the Marlboros cigarettes. While they are at least as strong as the Marlboro Red Full Flavor Box smokes, I found that I much preferred the flavor of the Marlboros.

To me, the natural American Spirit Full Flavor Box cigarettes burned a little hotter than the Marlboros and I did not feel that they satisfied my nicotine urge. Of course, that is only one consumer’s opinion and you might disagree, if you try these cigarettes. There is something about the flaxor of Marlboro Red Full Flavor Box cigarettes that satisfies my nicotine urges like no other brand of cigarettes can do.

With cigarette prices already being sky high, it is hard to call the price of any brand of cigarettes reasonable. In the Hartford, Connecticut area, where I reside, the regular retail price charged for natural American Spirit Full Flavor Box cigarettes is usually a little bit higher than the price charged for Marlboro Red Full Flavor Box cigarettes.

Marlboro Red Full Flavor Box cigarettes in my estimation, are quite possibly the most well known brand of cigarettes in America. That having been said, these cigarettes are stocked and sold at almost cigarette retailer in the United States. American Spirit Full Flavor Box cigarettes on the other hand, are not nearly as well known as Marlboros and consequently, they are not stocked and sold at nearly as many retailers as are the Marlboro cigarettes.

The best bet for finding a retailer who stocks American Spirit Full Flavor Box cigarettes is to go to the «retailers» section of their web site. Aside from that, these cigarettes can usually be found at tobacco and / or smoke shops, as well as at many convenience stores, pharmacies and supermarkets.

The quality of both Marlboro Red Full Flavor Box cigarettes and American Spirit Full Flavor Box cigarettes is top rate. Each of these brands of cigarettes is tightly rolled and they each burn evenly. Although I prefer the flavor of the Marlboro cigarettes, they both offer full flavor.

Marlboro Red Full Flavor Box cigarettes and American Spirit Full Flavor Box cigarettes are both packaged in cardboard boxes that feature flip top lids. These flip top lids are one of the main reasons that I prefer box cigarette packages over soft packs, the boxes help to prevent the cigarettes from breaking and I think that cigarettes also stay fresh longer in boxes than they do in soft packs.

The red and white color scheme of the Marlboro Red Full Flavor Box cigarettes is a familiar sight to many consumers, whether they be smokers or not. The package of American Spirit Full Flavor Box cigarettes is not familiar to most consumers. The front of the package features an illustration of a Native American man wearing a head dress and it appears that he is smoking a pipe.

Overall Rating
All things considered, Marlboro Red Full Flavor Box cigarettes and American Spirit Full Flavor Box cigarettes are both high quality products. Each of these cigarette varieties offers a pleasant and full bodied flavor that would probably quench most smokers’ nicotine urges. Although I personally prefer the Marlboro’s, I would still recommend both of these brands.

Personal experience with the products

Whats the difference between american spirit and marlboro cigarettes?

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