Best electronic cigarette reviews


Our Top Picks For E Cig Brands in 2014 1. V2 Cigs Our Review 2. VaporZone Our review 3. South Beach Smoke Our Review 4. Halo Cigs Our Review 5. Bull Smoke Our Review 6. Green Smoke Our Review

What qualifies us?

Here’s some of the other top rated brands we have vaped

  • Apollo
  • Volcano
  • NJOY
  • Blu Cigs
  • Ever Smoke
  • Joyetech
  • Smokefree
  • EonSmoke

Check back here to see if we have updates on the top list, we’re always on the lookout for awesome e cigs!

Which Ones Taste Like The Top Brands of Real Cigarettes (Marlboro, Newport, Camel, Winston)? Lots of people are looking for which e cigs are closest to their favorite tobacco brand, here’s our recommendations

Everyone is different so we recommend trying for yourself, and this should give you a nice starting point. Note that disposables and rechargeables do have subtle differences. Marlboro Red V2 Red Flavor Newport South Beach Smoke Menthol Winston and Camel Bull Smoke Tobacco Blends

Here’s some quick and dirty bullet points

V2 Cigs

  • Great overall product, quality, flavors and throat hit if you are looking for something that is real close to a real cigarette, this may be your answer. (My sister tried a V2 Red flavor and said they were too much like a real cigarette for her Martin).
  • Tons and tons of extra options such as mini tanks (EX Banks) and very sleek portable charging cases, new batteries (EX batteries), color options and you can customize starter kits.
  • They also have numerous options for substantial savings via referral incentives and refill liquid.

Official Website

Use our V2 Cigs Coupons and save money on your purchase!


  • Awesome selection of advanced personal vaporizers with features such as variable voltage, puff counter. If you are looking for upgraded cigs, or ego style batteries, check out this company!
  • Massive selection of high quality excellent tasting e liquids which you can customize!

Official Website

South Beach Smoke

  • Great quality and product. Nice flavor selection and super cool e cig tips.
  • Also highly rated across many consumer reviews.
  • Their charging case is a very cool little gadget with some LED lights for you tech geeks, and excellent battery life!

Official Website


  • Nice battery life, and super sleek design and feel. The short manual battery produces some serious vape.
  • Really easy to refill cartridges, as you can remove the end piece by hand if you don’t jam it in there.
  • Refill liquids
  • Upgraded Triton battery, for extra long life this is bigger than the standard battery size.

Official Website

Use our Halo coupon for purchases to save some money!

Bull Smoke

  • Nice product and flavors, comparable to V2.
  • Starter kit prices.
  • And starter kit prices!

Official Website

Green Smoke

  • Once again, great overall product, quality and flavors. Pretty close to a real cig, and we think you can’t go wrong with this.
  • Cartridges last a long time, real thick vapor, and nice battery life.
  • Cool accessories such as the USB e cig.

Official Website

Best Of E Cig Aspects

Those are our top picks overall, and here are the best of the different aspects of the electronic cigarettes listed, to help you fine tune

  • Best Price for Cartridge Refills V2 Cigs ($9.95 for 5 cartridges)
  • Cheapest Starter Kit Bull Smoke hands down with $29.95 for a starter kit with 2 batteries and 10 cartridges. (Comparatively, as pricing is a top priority for many, V2 and South Beach kits both cost $59.95 for the same components, the Green Smoke kit is $59.97 with 5 cartridges, 1 battery and one cig that plugs into a USB, and the Halo G6 is $44.99 with 2 batteries and 5 cartridges).
  • Best Flavor V2 Cigs Red
  • Best Battery Mini manual Halo Battery (charges in like an hour, and lasts much longer than other proportionately sized batteries).
  • Longest Lasting Battery For standard sized e cigs this is close, the long batteries from South Beach, Bull Smoke and V2, and the standard Green Smoke are all good for a number of hours. The longest lasting most powerful short battery is the manual 65mm Halo. If you want an upgraded battery that lasts for hours and aren’t concerned with the size, check out the Halo Triton.
  • Coolest Accessory South Beach Smoke Portable Charging Case with LED lights
  • Sexiest Aesthetics Halo
  • Coolest Color Ever If aesthetics will clinch the deal for you, check out the Halo Iridescence Triton Battery pictured to the right >
  • Best Disposable V2
  • Thickest Vapor Green Smoke
  • Most Vapor Volume Standard V2 cartridges
  • Longest Lasting Cartridges Green Smoke
  • Cheapest To Maintain V2 and Halo (since they stock refill liquid which is a nice savings).
  • Most Accessories and Options V2 check out their super sexy carrying cases, charging cases, battery color options, and the Ultimate Kit has all the bells and whistles.
  • Biggest Throat Hit Go for high nicotine 1.8% or 2.4% (18mg and 24mg respectively), all 5 listed above have nice throat hits, V2&#8242 s 18mg flavors seem to smack the back of your throat just a bit more than the others at 18mg, and even some other higher strength ones.

Best E Cigarette Mods & Tanks

If you’re looking for upgraded electronic batteries, tanks etc, check out VaporZone. They have a real nice line of tank systems and upgraded batteries etc. They also have a HUGE selection of e liquid flavors, and you can customize your flavor by mixing flavors etc. Pictured here are 4 of their products, from the left is the Rebel (for taking things to a serious next level), the Pro, Pulse and Jet. They also have standard e cigs with cartridges, so they cover everything. Their website is Everything about them feels high quality, between the look and feel of the product line, and their flavors are real good!

Anyways, we’re pretty excited about what else is to come, as there were a number of headlines about the electronic cigarette industry, just this past week early June 2013. One is that NJoy is creating an e cig that they claim is just like a real cigarette. Also, they announced, just today (June 7, 2013), that Reynolds (who’
s the #2 largest cigarette manufacturer) is launching their own electronic cigarette. Here’s the article in The New York Post. It seems like a great time to be getting into smokeless cigarettes for tons of reasons. For more news, check out our page for e cigs in the news

Electronic Cigarette Brands and Reviews Here at

This isn’t too complicated.. There are quite a few good e cigarettes out there, and with a couple of the top ones, you can’t really go wrong. That being said, as you can see above, we do have our favorites, and explain why in our review pages (see below). There are a number of brands that create an excellent product line, with the super competitive market that electronic cigarettes have become. Each brand does have a distinct flavor, and so it may be very worth your time to try more than one, as you may try one that is good enough, and another may seal the deal, and just hit that spot. When you factor in the cost savings, it’s pretty much a no brainer, nevermind some of the nice aspects of vaping cigarettes as opposed to tobacco burning cigarettes, with ash and the smell of cigarettes being two big factors. For our reviews below, we looked for the top rated brands by consumers, and to see how they are against each other and created our favorites on this page.

Reviews Of Our Top Picks

  1. V2 Cigs
  2. Vapor Zone
  3. South Beach Smoke
  4. Green Smoke
  5. Bull Smoke
  6. Halo

When starting out, you may want to consider a starter kit. Check out our page comparing some of the best basic starter kits here.

Where To Buy Our Top Picks

Visit any of these sites from our top 5 list to get started and buy your own electronic cigarette and start saving some serious cash

Go here for our reviews of other electronic cigarettes.

Save Cash On Select Brands

Check out our coupon codes & discounts here for savings on V2, South Beach Smoke and Green Smoke. Thanks for visiting, and please comment with any useful feedback or questions you have.

Check Us Out On Facebook!

Make sure to check back here, or follow us on our Facebook page. We are talking to some companies about running some promotions, giveaways, and some other stuff you will like, so keep your eye out. Update September 2013 We have started our giveaway contests. Make sure to read our posts to learn how to enter! We have partnered with V2 Cigs and South Beach Smoke for some starter kit giveaways, keep an eye out for the next ones!

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Regulation push catching up with e-cigarettes — chicago tribune

«My friends have noticed a difference,» Altman said while sampling assorted flavors at Smoque Vapours, an e cigarette shop in the Loop. «They’ll say, ‘You smell good,’ instead of, ‘You stink.'»

The fast growing e cigarette industry has hitched its future to such testimonials, pitching its product as a safer and cheaper alternative to tobacco cigarettes. So far the business has escaped the reach of regulators, but from Washington, D.C., to the Chicago suburbs, that is changing quickly.

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration appears poised to label e cigarettes a «tobacco product,» a distinction that would give the agency power over their marketing, manufacture and sale. North suburban Mundelein just passed an ordinance banning the sale of e cigarettes to anyone younger than 18, and on Jan. 1 a similar law will take effect statewide.

Evanston, meanwhile, has gone even further, banning the use of e cigarettes anywhere smoking is prohibited.

«There hasn’t been a whole lot of long term research on this, but we really wanted to make sure we were on the front end to protect our residents,» said Carl Caneva, assistant director of Evanston’s health department.

The lack of regulation has turned e cigarettes into a commercial Wild West, where basement chemists and giant corporations alike concoct mixtures that taste like everything from peach schnapps to Mountain Dew. The novel flavors concern anti smoking advocates, who note that teen e cigarette use recently doubled within a single year.

«I don’t think that there’s any question that flavors appeal to young people,» said Danny McGoldrick of the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids. «It’s just another way to help introduce them to the habit.»

Researchers aren’t sure of all the chemicals released by the products, but some say there’s ample reason for worry.

The American Lung Association, which favors strict regulation, cites a recent study that found chemicals such as formaldehyde and acetone in exhaled e cigarette vapor.

«We’re very concerned because we don’t know what’s in e cigarettes or what the health consequences of them might be,» said Erika Sward, the lung association’s assistant vice president for national advocacy. «Frankly, until the FDA begins its oversight of these products, I think everyone needs to proceed very cautiously.»

E cigarettes use tiny atomizers to turn nicotine infused liquids into an aerosol, which is inhaled by the user. They’ve been sold in the United States since the mid 2000s, but the Electronic Cigarette Industry Group says sales have boomed in recent years, turning the gadgets into a $2 billion a year business.

The group’s president, Eric Criss, said e cigarettes are intended to be a safer alternative for people who already smoke.

«We feel very strongly that we not be taxed and regulated as a tobacco product because our goal as an industry is to distinguish ourselves from traditional tobacco cigarettes,» he said. «We believe there’s a ladder of harm. Cigarettes are at the top of that, and our goal is to get people to move down that ladder.»