How to roll a cigarette: 16 steps — wikihow

  • Try rolling with the filter tip in, as you won’t have to worry about it not fitting afterwards.
  • Filter tips (the type in a standard cigarette) can be bought from most stores which can then be added to your own hand rolled cigarette.
  • You will get fresher tobacco from a store that sells a lot of product.
  • Take a piece of bread, any type works, knead it into a ball, then toss that in your bag of tobacco when you first open it. The bread will keep your tobacco moist longer. Alternatively, use a slice of fresh apple to maintain the moisture level and add a bit of flavor.
  • There is a difference between brands rolling papers, so try several to see which works best for you.
  • A rule of thumb «shag» tobacco cut into long fine ribbons holds its shape and is easier to roll by hand tobacco cut into small chunks is usually better for rolling in a machine.

Which e cigarette — your review guide for electronic cigarettes

At Which Ecigarette, we test as many electronic cigarette kits as possible and we categorize them based on multiple criteria. We are objective, passionate and open minded, being always in touch with the e cigs manfacturers and actively testing the newest kits, in order to inform you about the best solution for you. Due to the fact that reviewing a vaping device is sometimes based on personal tastes, such as a preference for a specific flavors, vapors quantity or design, we decided that by working with 5 different editors we can offer you the best opinions and the most accurate ratings on the products we taste.

The electronic cigarette industry is a relatively new one too, that’s why we do our best to keep a blog that offers you the most important news, inform you about the newest trends and teaches you how to use and do the maintenance of your ecigarette. This way, you only have to follow us and get all the information you will ever need. We are also extremely social! We run daily updated social media profiles on almost every network, and someone will answer your questions at any hour. That, if you didn’t already started a live chat with one of us directly on the website.

Unlike any review site, we allow our users to vote their favorite brands based on their personal experience and explain in the comments section if they are happy or not with the kit they purchased. This way you can be sure that the ratings are not manipulated or biased by someone’s opinion. We don’t promote the electronic cigarettes as the only thing you must do for giving up tobacco, but as a healthier alternative, which has been proven by multiple laboratory tests and health organisations. We explain you the benefits, the cons and the experience of other users and you can decide if the e cigs are the solution for you.

Using e cigarettes is one of the latest trends, and people are daily deciding to make the big switch, that’s why we will continue writing about our favorite kits, new technologies and the flavors that satisfy our demands in order to help you become a electronic cigarette savy that won’t spend money on products that won’t fulfill your demands. All this in a friendly environment where we appreciate your insights and try to create a solid community.