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Do you know legit websites to buy cigarettes online?


Yes, I think about buying a good electronic cigarette, if you know a good model please tell me !
Also Zyban (bupropion) works fine on me, I already stopped smoking once with this medicine and it was a lot more effective than nicotin supplements (patch, gum…) because it disgutes you of nicotin. But I decided to stop the medicine and I smoked again.
I’ll try Zyban with electronic cigarette, it shoud be nice !
So if you know a good brand of electronic cigarettes it would be nice )

I smoke 2 packs a day, 6,5 euro for a pack in France, it’s way too much.

But before stopping tobacco do you know a legit website where I can buy cigarettes with credit card (I just have no bitcoin this month)? There are a lot of them and for exemple is now a scam.

Thanks again !