E Cig Benefits
How Electronic Cigarettes Work
E Cigarette wants to make a difference in the lives of smokers. We understand that it is a difficult habit to break and that is why we offer healthier options to smokers. The Electronic Cigarette is an incredibly effective nicotine delivery system, without the harmful side effects or carcinogens of regular cigarette smoking.
Getting Started with Electronic Cigarettes
Three steps that s all you need!
Step 1
Disposable Electronic Cigarette
If you would like to try the electronic cigarette without much money invested, you can start with the disposable electronic cigarette. These come with a battery, atomizer, and pre filled nicotine cartridge which will last about 12 20 conventional cigarettes. Disposable electronic cigarettes usually can be ordered in Tobacco or Menthol flavors (Veppo and SS Choice No7 Brands) and a nicotine level similar to the type of conventional cigarette you currently smoke (only the Veppo disposable e cigarette is available in various nicotine levels). Once you have used the nicotine cartridge, the disposable electronic cigarette must be thrown away, the battery cannot be recharged.
The advantage of starting with a disposable electronic cigarette is purely the cost. Usually, the electronic cigarette starter kits are better quality, have a better taste and experience. It’s hard to judge whether you will like the starter kit of that brand by just trying the disposable electronic cigarette.
If you have any questions, just give our knowledgable customer service department a call at 1 888 566 1836 or send us an email.
Step 2 Option 1
Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit
Once you have decided to go with the rechargeable electronic cigarettes, you will need to purchase a e cigarette starter kit. This kit includes 2 rechargeable batteries, 1 atomizer, a wall charger, and a pack of 5 pre filled nicotine cartridges. This kit includes everything needed to get you started e smoking. The pack of 5 pre filled nicotine cartridges will last you about 4 packs of conventional cigarettes. After you have used the nicotine cartridges, you will have to purchase additional pre filled cartridges or refill your cartridges with e liquid nicotine. The cartridges come in Tobacco and menthol flavor and varying levels of nicotine strength (again, the Veppo brand has the most choice, offering 6 different levels of nicotine). Or, you can purchase the E Liquid Nicotine which is the nicotine solution that comes in a 30 mL dropper bottle or a 10ml dropper bottle. You can re fill the cartridges yourself and save a lot of money. This is the more economical way to go and is included in the next option.
Step 2 Option 2
Electronic Cigarette Bundle Kit
This kit includes everything in the starter kit plus a 30 mL bottle of E liquid and a pack of 5 blank cartridges. The E liquid Nicotine is available in various flavors and 5 levels of nicotine. One 30 mL bottle of E liquid is equal to about 30 packs of conventional cigarettes. The Electronic Cigarette Bundle Kit is the equivalent of about 34 packs of conventional cigarettes making this kit the most economical.
Step 3
After purchasing the Electronic Cigarette Starter Kit or the Electronic Cigarette Bundle Kit, you will only need to purchase the pre filled E Cigarette Cartridges that correlate with the brand of starter kit you purchased or the E liquid Nicotine (which can be used to refill any brand of e cigarette) to continue enjoying your electronic cigarette.
You may want to add some accessories to your electronic cigarette as well. The electronic cigarette carrying case is a great place to store and carry your electronic cigarette along with a couple extra cartridges. Also, the e cigarette car and USB charger make charging your electronic cigarette batteries much more convenient, either in your car or recharged via your computer.
allows you to compare various brands of the major electronic cigarettes.
Video Instructions how to use electronic cigarettes
What brand of cigarettes do you smoke?
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